There are men and women all over the world pursuing lofty goals of all sorts. In most cases, their endeavours are of little real worth and often are motivated by
greed, arrogance, hubris and all manner of human faults. The loudest, flashiest and most polished are usually the least noble, leaving the inverse as the characteristics to seek out in any search for those worthy of your respect. You
should also filter out anyone that devotes a lot of time to trying to convince you of something or to change your mind and follow them. The most genuine explorers are the ones that have little time to talk about their discoveries but gladly welcome you to follow along if you're interested, just so long as you stay out of the way. Their followers become explorers in their own rights and provide tremendous breadth and depth to the quest, and they and their leader eventually metamorphose into a gigantic, towering creature whose stride is unwavering and whose purpose is clear, right, and beyond just being worthwhile, it is necessary. Paul Wheaton is more than merely a man pursuing
permaculture advancement, Paul Wheaton is a
leviathan of hope and possibility.