I hurt my back a couple of days ago and picked up my copy of the
Permaculture Handbook by Mollison in an attempt to do something worthwhile while flat on my back. I haven't read it since I took my
permaculture course from
Geoff Lawton a few years ago. I was amazed again at the basic simplicity and
common sense of
permaculture, and the complexity of implementing it well. I'm seeing errors I've made and errors I was contemplating before I reread the book.
Getting refocused, getting regrounded in the basics is a recurring pattern in my spritual life and now, in my
permaculture life. Life has a way of distracting us, getting us either too focused on the minutia at the expense of the overall plan or distracted by theory and overlooking the minutia. As the old joke says, when your up to your ass in alligators it's sometimes hard to remember you initial objective was draining the swamp (which might be a permaculture no-no). We need to periodically step back, return to basics and spend a little time pondering and examining ourselves and our actions.