There was some vigorous debate a while ago regarding the wisdom of allowing potatoes to
volunteer in the same spot indefinitely.
I got freaked out about viruses as supposedly even really healthy potatoes will eventually succumb and in my little garden, that means solanums would be out.
On the previous
thread, there was plenty of "I've had my potatoes in the same spot for ever and they're fine" type comments, with one or two people arguing strongly against it.
I have spuds everywhere as I never manage to dig them all. We're talking polyculture+
The plants are very healthy and have been producing potatoes since early spring (bear in mind I'm in the Southern hemisphere...)
I planned to dig them ALL after they produced this season, but before I spend a lot of effort getting rid of things that seem perfectly fine, I'd like to hear from people.
Has anyone actually had a potato virus? I really want to leave them be, but I REALLY don't want blight.