We moved into our house in 2016. In the back
yard is a very large apricot tree. Before we moved in the
city had to cut it back away from the electrical lines, if that gives you any idea of it's height. We left it alone the first spring, and didn't attempt to prune anything until 2018. We cut off a few smaller branches, but didn't want to kill the thing, and didn't have the right tools. (we just had a hand saw) Side note: Since we've moved here there's been a late frost that has frozen the buds, so we've yet to get any fruit. But that first year we moved in in October and the ground was littered in pits, so I know it can make fruit. This year it is once again full of blossoms. I'm hoping we won't get another frost, but Utah is fickle like that. I assume it's too late this year to prune it. But is there anything I
should do this year to help it? Do I need something to protect it from bugs or birds? And when it does come time to prune it, how much do I hack off? It's got to lose a lot of height, and many branches. I know something about not taking more than 50%, so is this something we'll have to do a little each year? I don't have a picture tonight, but I will get one and post it tomorrow for sure. Thanks!