I came across these yesterday; three presentations by Dr. Benjamin Bikman at the Low Carb Down Under conferences from 2017, 2018 and this year. This is the kind of stuff that I've based my diet on and he's filled in some gaps for me in terms of protein intake, mTOR, ketosis and metabolism. Dr. Bikman is a HFLC proponent, favours real food over just consuming oils for fat intake, and why hormones rule. I think that Rolf will be able to appreciate this guy as he's for sure bald, is probably quite sexy to those so inclined and, because he drives a 20 year old car, is probably good with his money.
I geek out on this stuff, so I'd love some feedback on the 'digestability' of the message.
The first is 'Insulin vs. Ketones - The Battle for Brown Fat' and it talks about the differences between white and brown fat and the difference between two metabolic models, Calorie In Calorie Out and the Endocrine effect.
The second, 'Insulin vs. Glucagon: The relevance of dietary protein', discusses dietary protein, oddly
The third presentation, 'Ketones: The Metabolic Advantage' is actually a follow-up of the first presentation.
And, because it's Thursday, I'll throw this one in for free: 'Get Into Ketosis Quick w/ Insulin to Glucagon Balance - Ben Bikman, PhD'. This one is just Q&A, so no graphics, and it gets into some pretty specific ideas, so it may not be for everyone.