Hi all,
I wondered if anyone could give me some advice:
I have been kid-sitting some of my friend's goats (two doelings and a wether, nubian crosses) for a while now. They seem to be getting on just fine and the vet said they are the image of health. We recently acquired a new doeling, a Nubian. She is SKINNY! The reason she's been "sold" is because all they have is three strand electric fencing and she was a jail breaker for sure. So, I think they may have kept her in "jail" in the paddock. Jail was a little x-pen. I think, now that we have her, she's got a little muscle wasting, and she is really ribby.
Anyway, how do I best fatten her up? She won't eat goat text (that pellet, grain, corn mix), and today we tried alfalfa cubes. Nothing. She'll eat apples. And
hay. And sword ferns. When we let her out for a browse the other day I don't think she knew what to do. She'll actually eat hay off the ground, something the other goats won't do. She grazes grass too.
Then, we bought some new hay, and none of the goats are keen on it.
So now I have four goats, three eat text, one who doesn't, they are shouting for different hay, don't eat alfalfa cubes and I don't know what to do to fatten the skinny one up!
Any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks Permies!