I tried and failed to write under each photo, so you get a random list.
In the left-hand garden there's a multigrafted fan-trained plum tree, rhubarb, black currants,
perennial runner beans that choke the tree but I can't seem to get out, walking onions, gladiolus, amaryllis, buckwheat...
In the middle there's a tomato, Florence fennel, unhappy French tarragon, some kind of chicory, salsify, 'freckles' cos, buckwheat...
On the right, Russian red kale, lemongrass, calendula, phacelia, a tomato, potatoes, shallots, an espaliered Sturmer
apple, borage, Jerusalem artichokes, more buckwheat...
There's millions more things in there, but that's the main action in the foreground. It's late spring here and winter plants have gone to seed, hence the tall, tied up look.