Small house (840 sq. ft.)
* 3 Bedroom
* 2 Bathroom
5 acres, a large swath of which was lovingly developed as an organic garden by a master farmer. Has both open and wooded areas, flanked on two sides by old stone walls, large amount of road front footage, and a seasonal stream down one side that has been built up with gentle waterfalls. The house is fairly near the center and towards the road. There's an abundant well and a recently installed septic system with more than adequate leach fields.
The area is great for anyone who's looking to farm and wants easy access to the cultured and expansive markets in nearby Connecticut, Westchester, and New York
City markets and beyond. The
land was the living site of a communal group of people who might have been described as hippies, so there are some unique plusses and minuses that I'd be happy to discuss. Please send me a message if you're interested and I'll send you the zillow page. Thanks for looking!