The rainwater harvesting calculator at, at least from my understanding states that for every 1000 sq ft of roof you can expect to collect 550 gallons of
water for every inch of rain that falls.
To convert that into a formula I can better understand and use I went through the following steps.
(Roof area / 1000) x 550 x (Annual rainfall in mm / 25.4)
Our roof area is 1400 sq ft and where we live the annual rainfall is listed as 1275mm. This makes the formula;
1.4 x 550 x 50.2
The final
answer is 38,654 gallons/year
That seems like a an awful lot of rainwater we could potentially collect, like way too much. 743 gallons a week on average.
Is my thinking and therefore my calculation correct or have I messed up on the math somewhere?