Looking at getting a piece of
land in Catalonia in Spain. It hasn't been worked in the last 5 years but as it's not as dry in this part of Spain as further south. The lands not in to bad of shape. The land isn't totally finalized yet but i will probably be in that area, even if the one I have my heart set on falls through. So it's a Med climate and I think it would fit with a plant hardness zone of 9 (not sure of that part as the plant zones are new to me)
Drawing up some plans and starting off one of the big limiting factors will be limits of
compost and mulching materials. So I am looking at some tips and ideas about how to get around this.
So are there any plants that folks would suggest that would be good for quickly growing? largely for getting chopped and added to a compost pile. Obviously all the better if the plants have other functions.
What are peoples thoughts on using ponds to grow duckweed for harvesting for mulching or compost?
When I get some compost produced I am thinking of using compost teas so I can spread that micro biology further, then it would go with compost alone?
In terms of off site resources I can get in some
straw bales. There is also a
local commercial seaweed composting company which
sell a ton for 90euro if you pick it up yourself, don't know if this is organic or anything else about it. But have driven past it and it's made out doors in huge big steaming piles.
any imput or suggestions are welcome