Greetings folks, finally had some extra time to come visit and meet some folks.
This my first post, had some technical difficulties getting registered.
Not sure if this will help anyone, but here is a "Passive Heating Project" I have been working on building and sharing what I have learned along the way.
Our home is a conventional framed home with a perfect Southern Exposure, just crying out to take advantage of the setting.
I have had a dozen or so years to think this through....let me know your thoughts?
A Post and Beam Passive Solar Room Addition designed for extreme climates, hot or cold.
Most Passive Heating designs suffer in the summer as they overheat, in the winter when its cloudy, they are hard to heat.
So I came up with this design and made it easy to build. The roof and structure are super insulated, in the winter when the sun is low in the sky, the heat gain is
enough to not only heat the room but also the home.
In the summer the room shades the southern side of the home, proper ventilation and shading
should keep the room cool.
Were still under construction and have a way to go yet, but I have posted enough videos on You Tube to give most folks the general idea.
Although we never saw minus zero often this winter, so far so good. I am very happy with the results.
We have managed to convert our ordinary stick framed home into one that utilizes the solar exposure for free heat.
The view out the windows is so nice I have decided to make this my new office.
The design allows two sides to be assembled together to make a free standing solar room greenhouse. I hope to build that next year after I finish what I have started here.
This all started as a place to grow some non GMO Pesticide free food. But our Book Keeper has had a greenhouse for 20 yrs talked me out of it.
My wife is chemically sensitive and has asthma, too much chance of a mold or mildew problem transferring from the growing area to the home, let alone the millions of bugs.
Pesticides are not an option, so we'll build the passive solar greenhouse in a more suitable location away from the house.
Hope these Tubes are helpful to anyone contemplating doing something similar.[youtube][/youtube]