If you have the time, a small experiment like you mentioned could give you some results to work with.
Take several pieces of the wood you plan to use for flooring, and make a small batch of the clay you plan to use as well. Set them out in a clean dry place, imagining they are your installed flooring, and label them as to what oil they will be treated with.
Process your chosen nuts to get the oil and keep them separate and labeled as well to avoid confusion.
From there just treat the materials as planned and give things time to cure between coats and afterwards. I would think that you could then test each piece by touching/scraping/getting wet, etc. to see what works and what does not.
Might take some time but then you can rest assured that you gave your best effort in an attempt to find the best choice. During that time you can always continue
online research as well.
Hope that helps, I have zero
experience in this topic but taking a scientific approach to things can help weed out some questions if you give it a whirl.