My wife and I have been considering doing a
bucket setup. Currently we're on a septic. We have access to seemingly infinite quantities of ramial
wood chips from the power company nearby. I've read that wood chips don't work great as a cover material in the bucket because the large size allows smells to easily rise through. The chips I bring onsite have quite a lot of leaves in the mix. I'm not sure what effect that has. Honestly I wouldn't mind dumping the bucket every couple of days. The
compost bins would not be terrible far away from the house. Do you think if we used
enough of the material we could keep the smell down?
I've heard that partially decomposed wood chips would be preferable. We could put a big pile in the
yard and let them sit for a year first before starting with a compost toilet. I'm hoping there is some way the wood chips could work for us, because ultimately that's what's easily available, and infinitely replenish-able.