I'm not sure what the $200,000 a year is for, but we have lived on $5,000 a year on our property in the past ..tight but made it...not sure what that is referring to.
At this point in time I have had to replant our property as we had a lot destroyed in a housefire so I'm not yet back up to producing as much of our food as we have in the past, as our newly planted fruit
trees are just starting to bear again..but if you plant fruit and nut trees and bushes as well as berries,
roots and a lot of
perennial or self seeding vegetables..you should be able to provide a lot of your food in a few years..the trees and shrubs take a little longer so get those in first.
the Bill Mollison
books are good but I would recommend for a quick read also
Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway..you can do a search on here for his threads and also generally you can find his book at the bottom of the page to order