There are two issues to address if you want to grow wild rice (Zizania aquatic) outside of its normal occurring range.
1.) You need two months of chill (or a fridge you can stratify them in.
2.) You need to have an area you can turn into a "Paddy" so that the seeds and plants will always be at least 2" under the
water surface.
Once you have those two viable, then it is plant, grow and wait for the seeds to start to darken towards black (black seeds are the ripe ones and they usually fall off within 2-3 days of fully ripening).
The harvest is pretty easy if you are growing it in Paddies, just take a collection container and shake the heads over and against your harvesting container.
I totally forgot, be ready for doing multiple harvesting since the seed heads don't all ripen at one time, so you will need to harvest every few days once those first seeds ripen. (season last about a month in the wild)
Also, wild rice isn't really rice (as most folks think of rice (Oryza)). It takes cooking (open fire and a very large "wok shaped" steel pan), the best tool for stirring is a large wooden
spoon (paul bunyan sized) watch for scorching while you are stirring the hulls need to crisp up, then you thresh and winnow to get the grains ready for storage or cooking for a meal. (Lots of folks will blend real rice with wild rice since wild rice is pretty pricey at stores)