A friend gave me some Longevity and Okinawan spinach. The Longevity spinach was trimmed and I put the trimmings in pots and they all are growing. Looks like spinach breakfast lunch and dinner.
I also got some World's Best Mulberry and some Goumi cuttings maybe 3 to 4 weeks ago. They are all taking off and it looks like flowers already.
I have a growroom (9x24ft) instead of a
greenhouse so it is insulated and has lots of power outlets. I built a humidity tent, with
pond fogger and humidistat and plant heat pads and it seems to be the environment they love. I am spraying them 2x a day with vitamin B
Problem I have is, when do I take them out of this environment and repot them so they can harden to the real world? If I have to wait to April they will have out grown the humidity tent.