So I’ve got a very tall and narrow evergreen tree that seems to be exhibiting
water stress (dead needles at the growing ends) and is starting to lean somewhat. I’m in Colorado and every spring brings more
trees that didn’t survive our periodically dry winters. It gets runoff from my downspout and I do occasionally do a deep soak with the hose when conditions are particularly dry. I haven’t dug a
swale because I am unsure where exactly its
roots are and I definitely don’t want to disturb them.
My question is concerning what plants would you suggest that I plant as a guild to help it grow deeper roots to increase its access to water and to better anchor itself? I’m thinking at least some comfrey, but I want to be sure it won’t exacerbate the situation by competing for water.
I was actually thinking of sheet mulching on top of some of the guild plants after they’ve had a chance to grow a deap tap
root. I was thinking that would kill the plant and its root, leaving a nice path of organic material for the trees root to grow along. That’s a thing, right?
Thanks in advance for any advice!