They are really clever.. they propel all around the yard and managed to land in every 2 square inches of my raised garden beds today ! To me it looks like a seed with wings! I guess I better pick every single one of them off my beds? Pictured attached. Seems very clever way for a tree or whatever to sow / disperse its seed.
Being able to see the seed pod, someone might make an identification for you.
It could be a tree, a weed, a grass or even milkweed.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
To know where you're located would be very useful too. Where I live not many flowers will have finished blooming and be spreading seeds around in March, but in many parts of the world cycles could be very different. It definitely looks like a seed.
Looking at my beds again, I swear there are about 2 or 3 of them per square inch.. so annoying.. Rains are coming soon so they get to be washed down into this very fertile soil I just set up. I gotta go out there and spend an hour or more now picking them out!
Western Montana gardener and botanist in zone 6a according to 2012 zone update.
Gardening on lakebed sediments with 7 inch silty clay loam topsoil, 7 inch clay accumulation layer underneath, have added sand in places.
I don't know there are so many different trees in this neighborhood, good chance there might be I figure. I have to learn about identifying various trees. I took several of the seedlings and put between moist paper towel in a baggy to try and germinate them. Gonna grow a few of the little suckers to see what they turn out to be.... and so I can easily identify them in the future when I have to start weeding the beds.
I picked most of them out of the beds, but there were too many so I figure I am going to hvae to do a bit of weed pulling. I looked over my entire 1/8 acre lawn and they were scattered everywhere!
Sycamore trees tend to have patchy bark and balls that hang on till about early spring then break apart into individual seeds that look an awful lot like the one in your photo.
Western Montana gardener and botanist in zone 6a according to 2012 zone update.
Gardening on lakebed sediments with 7 inch silty clay loam topsoil, 7 inch clay accumulation layer underneath, have added sand in places.
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