posted 4 years ago
That sounds great! I love finding freebies popping up! Nasturtiums are so cheerful, too :) The calendula I planted into one of the vegetable beds last year has also reseeded, even though I thought I had harvested all the flowers. :D
I have columbines that supplied themselves shortly after I moved in, and I left them in the corners of the pathway where they first cropped up, and now every year I get more freebies off them. Now I have white, pink, AND purple columbines (It started with just purple).
This is also the second year in a row that my Dusty Millers have come back from winter. They are sold as annuals here in my 5b area, but I guess they are saved from freezing by all the cedar mulch, leaf mulch, and snow over winter. They aren't edibles either, but it pleases me greatly they have stuck around as perennials. They also grew much bigger and flowered last year with lovely yellow flowers, which I have never seen before.