I like the idea of doing something like a willow -- for
medicinal uses too. I'm going to have to do some research to see if they'll do well there though. I live in Zone 8b (central texas), very extreme summers. Despite the fact that we're in a city, there's still
deer activity. The site has some fencing and I was thinking of growing nopal or agarita around the outside of it, maybe blackberries, to discourage natural foragers. There's a mulberry tree on the south end so that might be a sign. I'm dreaming about moringa, fig, olive and meyer lemon
trees. Our first step is dealing with bermuda grass; mowing it all down, raking it out, covering it for the next few months. We have the inside of the old church to work with as well. Curious about mycoremediation and might be an opportunity to experiment. I'm waiting on soil tests right now...