I'm having an odd problem with some peppers in my
greenhouse. They are planted in plastic pots. Most of the plants look fine, but five have strange discoloration and shape. This is concerning because those five were planted into potting mix that I used last month to grow brassica greens. The greens grew well, and once they were done I pulled them out, mixed some more Epsoma garden tone fertilizer into the pot, and planted the peppers. The healthy peppers nearby are growing in a very similar potting soil mixed up from scratch.
I assumed that there was some sort of nutrient deficiency; maybe the greens had used up some micronutrient that the fertilizer didn't supply. So I sprayed the plants with Biomin micronutrient solution, which supplies Nitrogen, Magnesium, Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc, and with dilute fish emulsion. No change.
I'm attaching pictures of the sad plants and the healthy ones. This problem is concerning primarily because I have a lot more of the used potting mix, and had counted on being able to use it multiple times. If I have to mix up new potting soil for all the peppers it will be economically unfeasible.
Note the upward pointing leaves, pale color, and patchy lesions.
Any thoughts?