I see a lot of information on aphid damage and how to eradicate them, but can they be benign or even good? These pictures are of a squash plant in a no-till bed in zone 7b. The bed is a layer of leaves, a layer of rotting forest floor
wood, and some wood chips filling in the gaps. The rotting wood came with all manner of
ants, beetles, larvae, fungi, etc. Nothing was intentionally killed; this bed is an experiment in trying to keep everything as natural as possible under my conditions. The seeds were directly sown.
This squash is significantly larger than the others in the bed. It has had large black ants apparently farming aphids on it since it was about 6" tall. The squash plant right next to--indeed touching--it is the second largest plant and it has small black ants farming what appear to be the same type of aphids on it. The ants do not cross between plants. The larger plant is quite infested. I see no indication of any stress on these plants whatsoever. I know everything in nature has its place, but not necessarily to help us. Are the ants fertilizing the plant? Does aphid farming help plants while just unchecked aphids destroy them? I found it interesting, and as long as the plants look healthy will not intervene.