Thanks everyone for the great suggestions. I really appreciate it. I think that this is a pretty important issue, as I think the climate is only going to get more unstable as we go... so knowing how to deal with it is key.
Fortunately, the temperature HAS been pretty stable... that would be hot as hell. It has not been cold since I got here, honestly. I somehow escaped the late frost that so many got and I am lucky in that respect. Of course, my fruit trees are not really to bearing age so doesnt really matter...
I put in a lot of raised beds (on contour lines of my property) and only recently got the "aha!"' of hugelkultur. So will be re-doing them and adding more shortly. Wood/branches are something I have PLENTY of living in the forest...
So that everyone knows I am in SE Missouri, about an hour west from the Mississippi, zone 7a/6b according to what map you are looking at. But so far the temps have been EXACTLY like where I moved from, Upstate SC. My property was/is an early succession regrowth forest from when it was logged ~7 years ago. Soil is rocky, clayey, but has some good topsoil where leaf mold has had a chance to make some.
So here is my plan/what Im currently doing:
Keep on experimenting with plants that are in general just plain hardy... If they die, so be it.
Graft all the trees I can into more useful things- this includes dogwood into cornus mas, wild plum into plum, peach, apricot, hawthorn into pear.
No berms. In drought years, will be good but In flood years, this will be very bad.
Cover cropping with mustard, wheat/vetch and triticale/vetch to improve soil.
Fortunately I live in cow country and have access to unlimited old cow manure, which I use frequently
Try to make areas that will always be drier and wetter- pond area is in the shade, lowest part of property. Someday there will actually be water in the pond too, hopefully :/ This is for things like pawpaws, elderberries, etc. Top of hill is full sun and dry. Jujubes, autumn olive and grapes are here. So HOPEFULLY in years of drought the pond area will stay wet enough to support the moisture-lovers and in wet years the water will drain off the hill in a decent manner.
Put in hugel beds, gravel around base of trees, mulch mulch mulch.
Thanks again everyone!!