OK this is my first post, so be gentle with me

This past holiday weekend i took my children to the children's zoo in our town. While we were there the girls wanted to see the butterfly pavilion that had just opened. Once inside i was amazed by the large number of monarch butterflies. Knowing that they migrate south, i asked one of the zoo keepers at what point they released the butterflies to allow them to migrate. I was told that it was against the law to release them! When i asked the stunned WHY? i was told that the USDA considers them to be PESTS! and by releasing them they would alter
local population numbers.
I just want to know when has pollinators been labeled as pests?
How can a insect that migrates and that is
native to this country bother local populations of the the same species?
Not to mention how may butterflies die at the hand of chemicals sprayed on plants and flowers?
So how is releasing butterflies a bad thing?
I dont blame the zoo, they are just obeying the law, but the USDA on the other hand is a thing of pure evil! >