Need advice on software I can use in a non-US context. I say non-US because that means no USGS topo, and Google Earth is too fuzzy where I am working. I say software because I have pencil and paper and know how to use them, but I need something I can manipulate in 3D, and with different layers of data. In other words, a different question than the one answered here
I have access to topographic and survey data. Certainly hard copy is available, electronic maybe. I have a reasonably accurate GPS which I can use to map specific points (eg springs, significant
trees, or whatever.)
My ideal would be to take the topo/survey and the GPS data and firstly map "as is". Then change the landscape (topo) to reflect access roads, swales, dams, etc. Add buildings, plants,
water features, etc. Each
class of items (buildings,
canopy trees, etc) would ideally be able to have their own "tag" so that lists could be generated, and maybe even so that they could be turned on or off for viewing.
I THINK this might be achieved using Sketchup (but I am not clear if I would need Pro), however, before I invest the time in becoming proficient in any software application (only to find it doesn't meet my needs) I'd like to ask for help from anyone out there with
experience of these, or other tools that would achieve the same thing.
Thanks for any suggestions or pointers