I have
alot of baby confederate jasmine plants, ( maybe 4-6 inches tall max ) we just recently had a freeze in N florida and temps went down to 24 degrees, the plants are 2+ hrs away from my home in 1 gallon containers. I went there to cover the plants, stayed the night and uncovered at 5.30 A.M cause I had to leave to get back to work.
They were uncovered these several hours at these low temps early that morning, the next night got down to 30 and they were uncovered then as well. Many of them suffered frost damage. Just the top foliage thankfully.
I simply cannot babysit these plants, I did not know that N florida got this cold, I have never lived there and I have never paid attention to these sorts of things, Ive only recently become active in the plant world.
These plants are very important to me, I have a 6 ft chain link
fence around the property that these 500 jasmine plants will some day hopefully cover and block out my view to the outside world.
My only option ( cause Im running out of money ) is to place them in the forest behind me and outside my
fence. I no longer have a forest of
trees on my property, I removed them to do excavation work.
I believe they will be safe there, pretty remote area, Im assuming if anyone were to stumble across them they would be disinterested cause they clearly arent pot plants and so of no use to the locals.
Ive placed about half back there now, under some very large pine trees, Ive also covered them with pine needles.....just
enough so that I cannot see them, not a super heavy layer.
Did I do the right thing? Is there anything more I
should do, maybe I should cover them with a super thick layer? Pine needles are easy to gather and there is an abundance. Thank-you