Wow, Nancy! Thank you so much for your thoughtful replies and compliments! To
answer some of your questions...
Our house is in a development, so we we are surrounded by
fence and neighbors and it's governed by an HOA... not a stringent one, but I don't think the neighbors would not take kindly to
chickens and I don't think we're up to the task right now anyway.
Bees... not sure. I had thought about that. For now, I think I'll plant some bee attractors and see how it goes, but maybe eventually I'll build some bee houses. Clothesline, we do have one that I didn't put on the map, but it's strung over the grass area right next to the large garden area. It tickles me that you thought of it b/c most of my friends think I'm a bit crazy for hanging my laundry! I planned to put mostly herbs in the front yard vegetable garden, though I imagine with companion planting, herbs will end up all over the property eventually.
A garden shed... yes, that would
be nice. We can't afford that right now, but since we are leaving quite a bit of grass still open for the kids to play in the sprinkler, have picnics, etc. (they are little right now: 5.5, 2.5, and 7 months), I imagine that once they get older we can start to build up more of the yard as finances allow, including a shed, nicer fences/gates, water feature if desired, etc. I had been tinkering with the idea of a wildflower area with native prairie flowers (we're in central Illinois)... I'll put some more thought into that.
Compost... yes, that is another thing we'll have to do in stages. I would just make a heap, but that attracts animal pests around here and with houses so close together that's not good. So we need to get an enclosed composter and that's not in the finances right now, either. Eventually!! I thought maybe it could go in on of the corners, like you were thinking, too.
The mowing situation... yes, my husband usually mows and he already commented on not wanting too many things to mow around. The mower is currently in the garage, which exits out the driveway or the side door on the south of the house where I have the blueberry beds. So it would mow that grass area and then come around to the front to mow and then go around the house to the back where there is a gate. Yes, still lots of corners and angles that would require weed wacking occasionally. I think we'll have to work with it and slowly adjust things for ease of maintenance. Honestly, I would get rid of almost all the grass, but the husband still wants front lawn and a good chunk of back lawn for appearances and for the kids. But like I said, I think I can convince him to get rid of more and more as the kids grow b/c we have a neighborhood park just down the road that older kids could play at unsupervised (that's one advantage to the midwest!). We do get snow and we do have the driveway and that little path up to the front door to shovel, but it's not much, so that's good.
Anyway, thank you again for your comments!!! I so appreciate you taking the time!