Apologies in advance if there is a topic about this already, I did a search and couldn't find one. I just thought this would be an important topic to discuss if we are ever going to evolve from USA to
HUSP. ( hope you don't mind the use in this context Paul, if so let me know and I will fix it)
So long story short most people know of the three sisters; corn, squash and beans. Somewhere there was a topic about how some Indians used a 4th ( don't remember the name ) to attract pollinators. This got me thinking, what if we could make the 4 sisters 5. So I am going to throw out two suggestions and see what everyone thinks, maybe we can get it worked out before next spring.
Red clover. I was thinking this because it is a nitrogen fixer, the flowers attract
bees, foliage helps suppress undesired volunteers, and the flowers make a nice tea.
Catnip. Helps repel many pests, can be used for herbal treatments, helps suppress undesired volunteers, and can be used in an herbal smoke mixture.
Anyways these are just my ideas, I would like to hear your thoughts on them, and maybe your thoughts on other plants we could use.