I've been working for four years now having MANY bug-infested pines taken down on our 3/4-acre suburban lot and building a forest garden around the stumps and brush piles. I've eradicated most of the poison ivy and English ivy that was choking the ground and
trees, and I've been sheet-mulching (thank you, Amazon) and hauling in
wood chips to the extent I am able. And, wow, is succession ever happening!
I've got baby wild cherry, pine, and redbud seedlings coming up everywhere. Thickly! I don't want the pines or wild cherries getting established (already have too many wild cherries), but I want to take advantage of the redbud seedlings. I was thinking of digging up some of the best-looking ones after they get bigger and planting them strategically in the forest garden, but what about all the rest of them? I mean, these things are coming up really thickly.
Should I let them grow to a certain size, then hoe them down, put tarps over them to kill them for the worms, or what?
I've been working so hard to open this lot up to some sun so I can keep adding fruit and nut trees and building guilds, I don't want it to become a shady forest again. But I know those redbuds are valuable, and I want to manage them for the benefit of the wildlife,
bees, soil, and family.