Mom mentioned she liked boysenberries the most and her dad grew some and she had them then....
I bought her a Boysenberry yesterday, because I saw one for sale , but her
yard doesn't have
enough sun for it to thrive and fruit.
Her driveway does have plenty of sunlight so I want to pot it.
She taught me the best way to plant tomatoes was to buy start(lacking
greenhouse) get the big ones, then pluck the lower branches and bury the
roots deep, so it makes a larger plant.
I discovered that if you plant tomato seeds near the top of a
Hugelkultur in my setup)
berm, it grows down hill, then you can just cover it with dirt(the downhill stem), the first few feet then cage it....
Can I pluck the lower vines off this boysenberry and bury it deep in a big pot?
Do I need to treat the places I break the limbs off with bleach?
It was a bit expensive.
I don't expect her to enjoy fruit this year but I want it to fruit next year.