Unwanted guests are crawling through my saved seeds! There are some small spiders, but also some white wriggling type of worm and small flues i suspect they morf into. The worms look like they would perfectly fit in a seed in a seedpod...
I don’t mind sharing the seeds with them. But if i want to germinate the seeds next year i’d hate to find that they’ve all been eaten...
I’ve heard that i can freeze the seeds. But i wonder when to do that. We on this side of the ocean have opposite weather to USA drought spell ghos year. Rain-rain-rain and low temperatures.
Which made me take the plants a bit earlier than normal. The rain could have molded the seeds/seedpods. But it’s only been shortly that they have been in. They feel dry, but they can’t be as dry as they can be.
Overall happy with the result! From a few seeds i managed to get loads in a season! And i love these hardy sweet tasting Kales. The
dairy farmer wants to put some in the fields for his cows if they’ll have them in winter...
I’m thinking of putting them out in the windowsill exposed to light and the occasional sun period to dry, then freeze for a couple of days. Is that thinking correct?
What do you think or experienced?
All comments welcome.