Hi folks!
Happy to find you. Hope to do you proud one day.
I've wanted to homestead for as long as I can remember. Probably since I first received
Little House in the Big Woods when I was in about third grade, and the rest of the Ingalls-Wilder series, which was four decades ago. Growing up around the suburbs of Detroit, I was a "different" kid, which goes without saying, as I was the only Korean adoptee in my redneck town. But I also loved all the Hillbilly folk who lived in my neighborhood, and I loved their stories of simpler times. When I got
freedom with my first bicycle, I discovered the library and
The Whole Earth Catalog. I hand copied everything applicable to self-sustainable living from all the
Foxfire books, and subscribed to
Mother Earth News when I was in 6th grade. I began to collect every book I could on homesteading, organic
gardening, raising livestock, and alternative
energy, etc. by spending all my money on used books, and by the time I graduated from high school I had two boxes full.
I carried those books around with me for another full decade, despite dozens of moves. But my circumstances were always really challenged and all my energy went to moving up and out so my kids would have a chance. Until one day I just figured I'd have to put my dreams aside, as they didn't pencil out and I'd invested so much to get where I was. So I gave the books away.
Two decades later, and I'm trying to recover all that reference material and inspiration. Only the world has changed a lot and the amount of information out there now is overwhelming! And it was like the skies parted and angels started singing when I recently discovered the existence of
permaculture, remembering how the rototiller my dad used never made sense and throwing away edible "weeds" like chinese lanterns and purslane and lambs quarters didn't make sense, and digging out each and every single dandelion from the
lawn didn't make sense...After walking away from my career and spending four years in the country of my birth and getting uncomfortably closer to
retirement with nothing saved and nothing to show for a life in the rat-race, I've realized how my homestead dreams were not a frivolity that I
should have kept to myself, but instead my freedom and salvation.
I have been a Marine Electrician and am an unlicensed Architect and generalist. My upcoming job I will be doing web development, and I will be in the Oakland area near my grown kids. Not terribly social, but believe in community. I'm quite adept at anything requiring attention to detail and fine motor skills. I love to get dirty and not afraid of hard work.
My new goal is to get some property and build a house in the next five years. Hopefully I can have it mostly paid off before I'm eligible for social security. Would
be nice to have a partner in crime as well.
That's my intro - thanks in advance for putting up with me and teaching me things!