Hi Sarah. Long time follower of your blog and Weston A Price's work. Just moved back to Vancouver, BC after living for a year in France and as you can imagine there was a lot of getting used to. Besides having to give up the readily available raw
dairy products and bakeries that still use their several decade old
sourdough starters to make wonderful loaves, not to mention the general traditional approach the french take towards food, I had to move back in with my family.
Now my mother has always cooked meals, but I can't say that they were exactly healthy. In my house, just to give you a taster, there is a shiny new microwave and the kitchen fridge is stocked with about 50 different sauces and dressings. They look upon my preparation of organ meats and Kombucha as a sort of bizarre food fetish. I don't like to have to preach but the fact that there are constantly two separate meals being prepared creates tension in our household.
I will be getting in touch with my
local WAP chapter leader so that I can get more involved with my community but my question to you is how can I slowly help my family improve their diet (or at least accept mine) without offending their eating habits and efforts and constantly nagging and shoving information down their throats? While my father has made an effort to cut down on white flour and sugar, my mtoher is suffering from arthritis and is turning to pills. You being the matriarch of the family, how did you approach getting the rest of the family on board?
Thank you