Judson, how did you make out?? Please tell me it eventually came back.
(...I figured someone else here went through this too....)
I can taste bananas and tang (the foodie within me sighs....), everything else tastes like ashes or (if there is
milk involved) vomit. I smell cigarette smoke in the weirdest places, every so often something like oranges or mint tea has a ghost of a taste (hallelujah!), but just as often it's simply a blank.
cardboard probably has more taste.
I got the creeping crud for what is probably the third time since it all began, the new variant is going around and at least the symptoms were less intense, but i never lost smell/taste before. i'm doing my neti pot and sniffing everything with great enthusiasm, but so far nothing doing. i hope it is just a question of time. in the meantime, i'm eating a lot of bananas and thinking a lot of zen thoughts....