We purchased our tiny bit of
land from a young couple who did no upkeep, at least for the 2 years it sat on the market. At some point in recent years someone had some large and apparently productive raised beds installed wrapping the home on all but the West side. Because of years of no attention many small
Honey Locust
trees have sprang up in those beds, now ranging from 2-5 feet tall. I'd love to try some pollarding and natural
fence creation with Honey Locust. We also have thousands of seed pods from the neighbors trees all over our soon to be food forest area as well. I understand to start from seed they each need to be clipped and soaked to imitate an animals digestion. Not too difficult but at the same time these little trees everywhere cannot stay where they are, it's not good use of the beds and they are too close to foundation.
Has anyone
experience with moving Honey Locust or
Black Locust, or other similar species? How deep are the
root systems? Can we soak and then pull them straight out with a post or weed puller?
Or is digging up entire root ball best option?
Or cutting them back and continuing to do so until they give up, planting seeds to start new trees?
Any suggestions welcome.