heck ya 'clean fill' in TX, 30 years ago use to be nearly free, just stick a sign out by the highway, I doubt it is like that anymore. But still even $300 for a big load of sure
enough dirt, is probably better than what ya got. Just be kina careful that the dirt your getting isn't full of round-up or some other really bad stuff, go to the dig site if possible! I wouldn't worry about rain washing out your stuff too much, but if it become a problem, a flat shovel will scoop it back up pretty easy. Some old tree trunks or batter boards make a pretty good, easy
raised bed boarder. I live on a gravel hill, digging it really isn't an option for me either, the existing ground is very hard, rocky, I used some rail road ties on top of the ground as a 'temporary form' to put the dirt up against. Once the erosion & settling has taken place the heavy ties will be removed and the trench filled with new
trees will replace where the ties were, (kind of like an already dug ditch).
If your slowing the run-off down, and even holding it there...your doing it right.
james beam