What's up folks! I wanna learn how to grow buffalo gourd in zone five up in Chicago, where it's mostly cooler in the fall and winter. I wanna grow it this year for
soap, oil and stuff to substain myself, but don't wanna plant it in my indigenous prairie garden where it absolutely choke out many
native plants and stuff, and decimate
local wildlife populations.
Should we plant buffalo gourd in containers so as not to have them spread much farther. I've never grown any type of gourd, but I'd like to learn how. This gourd is among the most versitile of all and I need it in scarce time like this when soaps and essental stuff are scarce. I'm growing them in my Cherokee garden for the memory of my late grandmother or grow them in a separate place to reduce spreading. Please drop me off some stuff on how I plant my gourd safely and substainably. Take care.