I live just south of Atlanta, GA. I have Cecil sandy clay loam. Most of the
yard is shaded by
trees, but there's
enough sun for centipede grass and most vegetables/flowers. Last year some utility workers dug a hole to work on something and then sowed some kind of grain -- this was some time during the fall or winter, and I didn't pay attention to how deep they planted the grains. It grew very well, with no weeds (picture below), and I was able to harvest it and make some sprouted wheat bread.
I'd like to dig up a few square meters of the lawn and plant what I have saved, since the regular wheat I planted that same year did very poorly. So my questions are: 1. What kind of grain is in the picture? 2. How deep
should I plant it, and when? (I guess I could experiment with this) 3. Would it work to plant some red/white/yellow clover along with the wheat to make it pretty and fix nitrogen? 4. Could I grow a different grain in the summer like
Fukuoka does with rice/barley? I don't think this grain likes hot weather.