With the world changing the way it is our family decided we
should restart our rabbitry. We hadnt raised them in 20 some years. I bought a roll of wire n built our pens to fit inside of our
greenhouse so we can keep them in their during the winter months.
Last year was our first year producing. From the 4 does n 1 buck we harvested over 300 pounds of rabbit meat. Our stock is 3 black New Zealand does n 1californian buck. A stray doe happened along n our daughter adopted her. For a fourth doe. Our cost were near a thousand bucks. So near 3$ a pound or so.
We will continue to get better and more efficient. It is a job that takes time daily. Animal husbandry was important for us while homeschooling our kids. And growing our own steroid n hormone free food is good. We barter for halibut n salmon, octopus, blacktail
deer, elk, moose n such. So freezer has a nice selection.
We're going to process up a hundred pounds of moose meat into burger n sausages next weekend. Getting ready for moose hunting season this fall. And trying to make room for fresh salmon.
We're blessed to have great wild fish n game around. And growing the
rabbits along with the garden keeps us kinda busy but feels good. Taking care of our family and doing it all together. Some pictures of the rabbits we canned up.