So I would like to use tires for my shed foundation.
I don't want to pack them in the "traditionally" way, it's too labor intensive.
I don't want to fill them with
concrete, it's too expensive
and still labor intensive.
So here are the ideas I want to run past you.
First, one side wall of a tire is cut off to facilitate filling it up.
Holes are drilled into the remaining sidewall. and it is pinned to the ground with rebar.
It is packed full with dirt.
A second tire with one side wall removed and the tread cut into flaps, is put open side over the first, and nailed in place through the tread flaps.
One rebar pin is driven vertically through the dead center of the filled tire, a few more on angles.
A cement cap is poured.
Bits of tread are used to level differences between one concrete cap and the next.
The beams are drilled to accept the rebar pins, and placed over them.