Now we are not into
permaculture regarding this field, so I will start with that.
We planted a 3 acre
hay field 3 seasons ago of alfalfa, timothy, brome and orchard grass and fertilized it with a well composted cow manure, organic, that we purchased by the semi truck load.
We have harvested the hay and sold it in small bales.
Our intent is to have a few head of
cattle on it so we wont be cutting it then but until then we are cutting and selling to help pay for the fencing yet to be put up.
We are thinking that this spring we
should fertilize again but Im looking for other solutions rather than using the organic composted cow manure as it is rather costly.
So Ive been considering using a liquid fertilizer of fish emmulsion that we can spray on.
Any opinions on this for a hay field? Anyone know how much to use per acre?
Also my neighbor cuts lawns and has access to lots of grass clippings that have never seen pesticides or herbicides. Im wondering if spreading a thin layer of this on would be helpful to provide biomass.