And here they are trying out their newer home. They liked the box inside the house, but they were too big so I had to transition them to this one. It's actually a rabbit hutch, but we didn't have rabbits at the time so we still made use of it.
This is the top part of the duck tractor. We let them in stay in this during the day when we were away from the house and then we put them back on the rabbit hutch in the evenings.
Here Brittany is feeding that big ole duckling. And then Bean and the little girl are flying together now in the next one. And in the last one they're all trying to play together in the little kiddie pool haha
We put them in the Duck Tractor so we could start clipping their wings. Only the muscovies have to be clipped. The first is "Little Girl" and the second is "Jelly Bean"
So someone who works at a vets office knew we had ducks. The vet had come into a bunch of ducks but didn't have a spot for them. She asked if we wanted them, we said no, but we'd take them anyways for eggs and meat. You've seen the meat part in earlier pix, but here are the ones from when we first got them.
We had apples left over from the girls birthday party from when we bobbed for apples. Well one kid just kept taking one bite of them all and putting them back so we let the ducks handle the rest lol They loved it!
He's checking out that white oval-shaped thing isn't he? lol I call him my Handsome
Then Bean and Little Girl have found a spot to both lay, weirdos haha