Karen Crane wrote:As an older person with little income and no savings
it seems this topic is of great value to me.
I would LOVE to win the tickets.
Hi Karen, That is two of us poor old gals. I am glad to see another older Gal struggling to become some of the things we wish we had learned and started doing many years ago. I hope we can get to know each other. If the tickets come in pairs, and I win, I will be happy to share mine with you.
I am also too poor to take those wonderful trips and classes. Thank you so much Eric for making some of your content available for those of us who have the desire to learn, but lack a lot of the means. The information might help us in that area too.
I have only been here a few years, and I was afraid to cut anything, because I did not know what all I already had growing here, that I might want to keep. I was sure a lot of my "weeds" are beneficial herbs and plants. I have ordered mostly perennials for Spring and hope I can get some of them started amongst the
trees and shrubs I already have.
I can't wait to learn more.