William Toles

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since Mar 30, 2012
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Organically gardening since 1975;
Married 1984
Student Nurse Graduation date 2014
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Skowhegan, Maine
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Recent posts by William Toles

Is woodland farming feasible in central Maine? Is there really enough growing season and variety of crops? Thanks for all you do!
10 years ago
Once I acquire my RN degree in 17 months, this may become a doable idea; we will keep in touch.
12 years ago
Your book on perennial vegetables is amazing! I have a few already growing, and plan to procure more seeds/plants to add to my collection; thanks so much for an eye-opening book, and keep up the good works!
12 years ago
Fungi Perfecti has a great amount of info on the subject; Paul Stamets has been researching fungi for a long time.
12 years ago
I'm thinking that fungi/mushrooms could possibly break the paper down into a usable material; then again, the issue of "what is in it" says ornamentals only, like was previously posted.
12 years ago
Thanks for all of the input on this question; I certainly have had my eyes opened on this.
12 years ago
Is this a feasible idea, or not- it may be too harsh up here in central Maine.
12 years ago
I read "Secrets of the Soil" a while ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I can recommend it to learn about biodynamics.
12 years ago
Welcome to you, Eric, and thanks for sharing the lessons learned that will help the rest of us be successful in our endeavors in permaculture!
12 years ago