I think the square shape is fine. In Ianto Evans book there is brick risers. He also states that some turbulance in the riser is good.
For the rest, i imagine everything is depending on the implementation. The chimney in particular. To use the chimney safely, you need to give it some heat. That means designing your
rmh to be less efficient, with shorter piping, but how much is anybodies guess.
You could add some specifics to the question so somebody more experienced can give an estimate.
like, what is the chimney made of?
What dimensions do you build your system? 6" 8"?
What material you build the thermal mass?
It also depends how often will you burn that
rmh. If its daily used, there is less of a chance that condensation will happen in the chimney, since the flue gases are warmer.
For this reason i plan to avoid using a chimney, even if i have to put a small fan to aid draft. (im not planning to, i build it to make its own draft, but one cant be sure enough