So I'd like to get some tips or guidelines that
chicken raisers use to select eggs for incubation.
I've got 9 Easter eggers, 5 Rhode Island Reds and 2 barred rocks (one is actually solid Black). The Rooster is a rather large, good tempered EE. He's protective, stands his ground and is very vocal. I've had a couple mini-battles with him but for the most part we're on good terms.
I'm trying to build a flock primarily for eggs and to clear/fertilize some scrubby pasture.
I'd like to end up with about 100 birds for the task of
land clearing of which 50% (males) will be sent to "freezer camp" at the appropriate time. Assuming that will leave me with about 50ish birds to select through for egg production, meat breeders and culls.
So that's the goal.
What I need to know is:
Of the eggs I get for my current layers, which ones would be the best to save? Does egg size matter? Shell thickness? Shape?
How long can a fertile egg sit idle before it needs to be incubated? I'd like to get all of them done in once shot but with only a dozen eggs a day coming from the coop, I'd need to set them aside til I have
enough to fill the incubator.
Any thoughts on good crosses?