There are several good reasons to put some
straw in a
pond - it's supposed to clear the
water if it's muddy/new, help build a biofilm to make it more leak-proof, and
feed tiny critters that will keep algae at bay. But around here straw costs MORE than hay, and I've got a few bales of hay that got wet and moldy and aren't fit for my livestock any more. Can I safely throw it in the
pond? Or will the toxins from the mold contaminate the water?
It's a new pond, practically dead since it's been in the ground through winter only and nothing has had a chance to colonize it yet. I'm looking forward to bringing it to life with plants and critters this spring. My best guess is it's between a half- and quarter-acre in size.
If it is safe to use the moldy hay, any experts out there who can tell me how many bales to throw in? I'd guess only 1 or maybe 2 at most. I don't want to make it a stinky pit of fermenting rotting stuff, but I do want to start some daphnia growing there, since they're a foundational food species for fish fry and other small stuff.