Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
S Bengi wrote:
1) You could also feed the fish waste directly to poultry or fish
2) Add some water kefir microbes to the fish waste then feed it you poultry/fishes
3) You could feed it to black soldier flies, and then feed those to poultry or other fishes.
4) Add the fish waste to some woodchip/hay/etc and then run poultry thru it to farm bugs and make compost quickly.
5) The fish waste plus some woodchip/hay could be used to warmup a greenhouse as it is composted
Phil Stevens wrote:Do you have (or have access to) biochar? My experience with fish hydrolysate and emulsion is that they are some of the stinkiest substances around. Anything that smells that nasty is usually good for growing food and also massively beneficial for soil life. We've found that soaking biochar with fish "soup" completely deodorizes it in a day or two, which is a real bonus for the humans involved in the process of getting it where it needs to go.
At the most recent biochar workshop I helped run, our hosts had a bucket of kīna juice (basically shells and scraps from sea urchins) that had been sitting in the sun for about six weeks. This, to date, is the only thing I've been close to that blows away fish hydrolysate as far as stench goes. Needless to say, this became our inoculation candidate. They told me a few days later that the smell was nearly gone.
Ted Abbey wrote:I had a weather event that killed all of the big tilapia in my pond. I put a bunch at the base of my fruit trees, and I put others in buckets with small holes in the bottom. I placed these near growing areas, and would fill them with water for a slow release watering/fertilizing. You can make you own emulsion or hydrolysate as well, but that’s extra steps and processes. How about composting them in wood chips? I’ve done this with poultry guts and feathers when I worked on a poultry farm.. it smelled awful, but created beautiful soil.
Gray Henon wrote:+1 for biochar. We put 6 inches of raw charcoal in the bottom of a plastic 55 gallon drum with a few drain holes in the bottom, then around 30-40 gallons of fish waste, then top with around a foot of raw charcoal. The fish composts with minimal odor 50 ft or so from our deck.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Robert Ray wrote:We had a friend who was in a supervisor position on Dutch Harbor. My wife wanted and adventure and took an office position for a year. She didn't work in the processing facility, but she explained how absolutely nothing went to the waste stream, from the processing. I'm sure even if you were to macerate the waste and bottle it like Alaskan Fish Fertilizer, I buy in a gallon jug you're going to have to jump through some hoops. Just how expensive those hoops would be is the question.
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