I struggle to identify with the jealousy part because I am just not a jealous person. I guess because I started with so little. Growing up in a foster home my own mother did not want me, so with the bar set so low, I really do not expect others to like me either. From there, you can only go up.
I started with nothing, but managed to get some houses,
land and livestock. It just takes not taking no for an answer. You need to ask yourself, “what is the work-around?” The American way is to blame a lack of money, but I had none and got all that stuff so I know others can. There is a lot of help out there, but it takes a lot of chasing down leads to get the occasional nugget of gold. A lot of dead ends, and it’s frustrating, but knowing others will always have more, and others less; helps.
The problem is, I know what having stuff means: responsibility and property taxes. I have worried a lot over the years trying to hold it all together and now I am not sure if it is worth it. 19,000 dollars in taxes every year, almost $100,000 every five years? I could do a lot with that instead of just going to local property taxes. And being beseeched… goodness you will never know the pain of dealing with people who want my land to hunt on, gravel for their houses, or
wood to cut. It’s endless when others know you have what they want.
It is nothing to be jealous of, just different. Not less headaches but ten times more. Not one roof, but 4 to worry about, and foundations, heat and lawns to mow. It is nice to have, but endless too.
I am self-made, but it comes at a price. At 48 I am tired, have worn body parts, been divorced 3 times and had cancer thrice. Because of all that I am empathetic to others, but have to remind myself that while others have had blessed lives, when small things in my mind happen, it is still BIG to them.