Almond Thompson wrote:So I was wondering if there were certain kinds of plants/seeds I could harvest for my quails to eat. I would love to at least supplement their dry feed with some foraged items, and it would be even better if I could completely grow their food here without having to buy it. I was reading in th Billy Joe Tatum cookbook that they would pick plantain seeds for their birds.
Very young, weedy grass sprouts. Chickweed---they love it. I encourage it to grow in my
yard. Almost any kind of green that isn't toxic to
chickens. Dock seeds. I grow sunflowers (back oil kind, with the small seeds). You can try growing safflower seeds. Millet heads. Popcorn.
I feed mine greens every day. Whatever I have: cabbage, bok choy, kale, mustard. They like melon, and apples, and cukes split the long way in half. They can eat anything a
chicken can, but the secret is to chop them small, except for things like melon and cukes, which are soft.
Sprouts! Sprouts are easy to make, and they love them! Sunflower, lentils, wheat, barley. Feed when the
root is just starting to stick out, as that's when it's most nutritious. I also grow grass seed in pots, and stick the whole thing in when the sprouts are 2-3" tall.
I get free food every week from the food bank. Anything I don't like goes to the birds, and then the birds feed me.
I love my quail.